April is around the corner and the Division of Fisheries and Wildlife has started to stock trout, beginning with the Southeast District. Hopefully the North shore will see the stocking trucks soon. (photo courtesy of Martha's Vineyard Times)
Herring Runs in the same vicinity and on the Cape are reported to be showing fish, which means Striped Bass will return soon. Now is a great time to get your gear in order regardless if
freshwater or saltwater is your game. Hooks should be sharpened or changed. Reels should be lubricated and checked for nicks and dings. Last year's line should be discarded and new line put on your spools. Rods should be checked to ensure reel seats are secure and guides are in position and in good shape.

This preparation will have you ready for the season and more importantly ensure you don't have a "one that got away" story and wake up in cold sweats wondering what could have been. (over-dramatization intended).